Who are we? Thriller, short stories

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ISBN: 978-5-04-678371-1
Серии: Running words #1
Год издания: 2024 год.
Скачивание в: FB2 EPUB PDF TXT

Краткое содержание

In the collection of short stories "Who are we? Thriller stories" Yuri Belk explores the depths of the human psyche and the nature of fear, firmly holding the reader's attention from the first to the last page.

Belka thrillers are distinguished by an unusual atmosphere devoid of banality and predictability. Each story carries a special flavor, balancing on the edge of reality and nightmares, which makes the reader think about the fine line between normal and abnormal.

The main theme of all the short stories in the collection is "Who are we? Thriller Stories" is an exploration of the dark corners of the human soul. Belk is not afraid to ask uncomfortable questions and invites the reader to take a journey through the labyrinths of consciousness, where each discovery becomes a step into the unknown.

Readers who are interested in complex psychological conditions and who are not afraid to face their own fears will find in Yuri Belk's book a deep and multi-layered literary experience.

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