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This book consists of three sections.
– The first section, "Important preliminary information", briefly explains all the basic information on Tibetan astrology necessary for a correct understanding of the horoscope.
– The second section has an answer to the question "How to identify your Animal and your Element?". In this section, you will find a list where you can find your animal and your element by the date of your birth. There are 60 Element-Animal pairs in total and each pair is provided with an individual horoscope for the year 2025 of the Wood-Snake. All 60 horoscopes are in the third section of the book.
– The third section contains the "Forecast for 2025". There is a general forecast for the year for everyone. Pay special attention to general recommendations and tips. There are brief characteristics of each of the 12 zodiac animals from Rat to Pig, and there are also forecasts for 2025 for all animals of all elements, that is, 60 unique horoscopes.
For example, if you have found out (in the second section) that your Animal and your Element are Rat and Metal, then you can read the general description of the Rat and after that – your personal (Rat-Metal) forecast for 2025.
In Tibetan astrology, a 60-year cycle is used, which means that the forecast for the year is repeated every 60 years. Therefore, this book will be useful to you and your descendants in 2085, 2145, 2205, 2265, and subsequent years :)
Important Preliminary Information
Tibetan Astrology
Tibetan astrology consists of two large interrelated sections – "black" and "white". This duality is due to the geographical location of Tibet, its borders with China and India. "Black astrology", or astrology of the elements, developed in close connection with China. "White astrology", or astrology of the stars, developed under the influence of Indian teachings.
The Tibetan horoscope for 2025, presented in this book, is based on the astrology of the elements. To get the most out of the horoscope, you need to know three concepts of Tibetan astrology, briefly discussed in this Chapter:
– the 5 Elements,
– the 12 Animals,
– the 5 personal forces.
The Sixty-Year Cycle
The Tibetan calendar is based on a sixty-year cycle. It appeared along with a translation into Tibetan of the Kalachakra Tantra in 1027, the year of the Fire Hare.
The year 2025 of the Wood Snake is part of a cycle that began in 1987. Each year of the cycle is associated with one of the twelve Animals and one of the Five Elements. (If you multiply 12 by 5, you will get a 60-year cycle.)
To find your Animal and your Element go to the Chapter "How to identify your Animal and your Element".
The Twelve Animals
The Tibetan 12-year cycle is "ruled" by twelve Animals: Rat, Ox, Tiger, Hare, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Sheep, Monkey, Bird, Dog, and Pig. In various Eastern astrological traditions, the list of animals may vary, but in Tibetan astrology, it is defined in accordance with the legend. Buddha wanted to see and to bless all animals before attaining the final liberation of parinirvana, but only 12 animals came and they came in the order in which they now alternate in a 12-year cycle starting with Rat.
Animals are universal multivalued symbols. In particular, they determine the personal characteristics that a person receives. The general psychological portrait of the 12 Animals can be found in the corresponding chapters of this book.
Tibetan astrological tanka, XIX century
The Five Elements
The Five Elements are potencies, dynamic principles, qualities of cosmic energy or matter: Wood – Fire – Earth – Metal – Water. One should not understand these symbols literally. For example, Woodis not a tree, it is the potency of growth and development. Elements have the following characteristics:
– Wood is vitality, growth, creation,
– Fire is an upward movement, heat, passion, joy,
– Earth is stability, fertility, heaviness, concreteness,
– Metal is hardness, coldness, purity, sharpness,
– Water is the moisture, flowability, penetration, cold, night.
All Elements interact with each other. It can be represented as a diagram:
External arrows show the productive cycle: Fire produces Earth, Earth – Metal, Metal – Water, Water – Wood, Wood – Fire.
Internal dashed arrows show the controlling cycle: Fire controls (suppresses) Metal, Metal – Wood, Wood – Earth, Earth – Water, Water – Fire.
Each year has its own set of qualities and Elements. Each person has a set of characteristics corresponding to the year of birth. Knowing the basic principles of interaction of Elements (production and suppression) you can compare the quality of the coming year with the quality of the year of birth of a person and predict how favorable the coming year will be.
The Five Personal Forces
Each individual has five powers, the nature of which is determined according to the year of his birth. These five forces are as follows:
Vitality, life force (Sok). It’s the power of life that makes a person alive. It is the inner life energy of a person that resides in his heart. Weak Sokis a danger to life.
Body, health (Lü). It is the strength and energy of body health, it’s physique, physical strength, and bodily well-being. It is, figuratively speaking, a vessel for life. Our vital energy (Sok)depends on the integrity of this vessel, depends on the health of the body, because our life force can flow out of the body due to diseases and injuries.
Strength, power (Wang thang). This is the potential of personal power, with which a person can achieve goals, shape his financial situation and manage life circumstances. A strong wang thanggives us the ability to effectively use our talents and opportunities, skillfully manage our time, avoid injury, achieve wealth and prosperity.
Fortune (Lung ta). Literally, Lung tais translated as "wind horse". It is the energy of luck that attracts favorable situations, circumstances, and money. It brings us success and a good reputation, it is also a spiritual path.Lung tais the movement of energy through the human body, it is the harmonization and strengthening of the three above-mentioned forces: vitality, health, and strength. When our internal energies are in harmony with the external energies, then fortune becomes our natural companion.
Life-soul (La). It is the spirit orthe soul, but it is not the soul in the Christian sense, it’s the soul that binds together all the components of a person, giving integrity and interest in life. It is the immunity. Laproduces Sok(life force). This means that the Element of La-soulis always in the mother's relationship with Sok-vitalitythat resides in the heart. For example, if the Element of life-soul is Fire, then the Element of vitality will be Earth because Fire produces Earth. Lais very mobile and moves through an individual’s energy channels during the lunar cycle.
Elements and Personal Forces
Each Animal in the Tibetan Zodiac has a predetermined set of three qualities:
– vitality,
– fortune,
– life-soul.
For example, Dragon’s vitality is Earth, fortune – Wood, and life-soul – Fire; Monkey’s vitality is Metal, fortune – Wood, life-soul – Earth; and so on.
Strength (Wang thang) is defined according to the Element of the year. For example, the ruling Element of 1952 and 1953 was Water. Accordingly, the Wang thang of an individual, who was born in 1952 or in 1953, is Water.
Finally, the Element of the body (Lü) is determined depending on the Wang thang Element and the Animal. For example, a person born in 1952 (Water Dragon) will have Water as a body Element.
Calculating favorability of the coming year
To predict how favorable the coming year will be, Tibetans compare Elements for the coming year with natal Elements. There are six degrees of favorability of the interaction of Elements:
– If the Element for the year produces the natal Element (for example, Metal – Water), it is excellent, it is ○○○(three white stones).
– If the natal Element controls the Element for the year (for example, Fire – Metal), it is very good, it is ○○(two white stones).
– If the natal Element (Earth or Water) coincides with the Element for the year, it is good, it is ○ (one white stone).
– If the natal Element produces the Element for the year (for example, Earth – Metal), it is neutral, it is ○● (one white stone and one black stone).
– If the natal Element (Wood, Fire, or Metal) coincides with the Element for the year, it is not good, it is ● (one black stone).
– If the Element for the year controls the natal Element (for example, Metal – Wood), it is bad, it is ●● (two black stones).
Example of calculating white and black stones for 2025
Let's say a person was born on October 7, 1952. The natal picture of forces and Elements for this person will be as follows:
– Year of birth: 1952. Animal: Dragon. Element of the year: Water.
– Vitality Element: Earth,
– Body Element: Water,
– Strength Element: Water,
– Fortune Element: Wood,
– Life-soul Element: Fire.
Knowing the natal Elements you can compare them with the Elements of the coming year and find out how favorable the year will be. For example, in 2025 (Wood Snake) the forces and Elements will be as follows:
– Vitality Element: Fire,
– Body Element: Fire,
– Strength Element: Wood,
– Fortune Element: Water,
– Life-soul Element: Wood.
Now let's compare the Elements of 1952 with the Elements of 2025. The degree of favorability is estimated with the help of black and white stones:
– Vitality Element (Fire produces Earth): ○○○ – three white stones
– Body Element (Water controls Fire): ○○ – two white stones
– Strength Element (Water produces Wood): ○● – one white stone and one black stone
– Fortune Element (Wood produced by Water): ○○○ – three white stones
– Life-soul Element (Wood produces Fire): ○○○ – three white stones
Two white stones in the Bodyfield indicate that the Element of 1952 (Water) controls the Element of 2025 (Fire). This means that the year 2025 gives an opportunity to those who were born in 1952 to strengthen their bodily "vessel".
Ifthe Bodyhad two black stones (as, for example, those born in the year of the Water Tiger), then this would indicate an increased health hazard in 2025.
The interpretation of all black and white stones for each pair Element-Animal and recommendations for 2025 can be found in the corresponding chapters of this book.
How to identify your Animal and your Element
The Tibetan calendar is lunar-solar. The Tibetan new year does not start on January 1, but on one of the days of January, February, or March.
Each new month of the Tibetan calendar begins with the new moon. The first day of each new month starts when it begins to dawn, in Tibet, it's around 5 a.m.
In popular literature, on Tibetan astrology, you may find the opinion that the year changes its quality (Animal and Element of the year) exactly at the time of the new moon. But this opinion contradicts the fact that the new moon always falls on the 30th day of the month of the Tibetan calendar (as the full moon falls on the 15th), and therefore refers to the previous year. Losar (Tibetan New Year holiday) gives the official start to the new year at dawn.
In the list below you will find information about the start dates of each year in the Tibetan calendar. Once you know your Animal and your Element, you can go to the appropriate Chapter and read your forecast for 2025.
1927 – March 4 – Hare-Fire
1928 – February 22 – Dragon-Earth
1929 – February 10 – Snake-Earth
1930 – March 1 – Horse-Metal
1931 – February 18 – Sheep-Metal
1932 – February 7 – Monkey-Water
1933 – February 25 – Bird-Water
1934 – February 14 – Dog-Wood
1935 – February 4 – Pig-Wood
1936 – February 23 – Rat-Fire
1937 – February 12 – Ox-Fire
1938 – March 3 – Tiger-Earth
1939 – February 20 – Hare-Earth
1940 – February 9 – Dragon-Metal
1941 – February 27 – Snake-Metal
1942 – February 16 – Horse-Water
1943 – February 5 – Sheep-Water
1944 – February 24 – Monkey-Wood
1945 – February 13 – Bird-Wood
1946 – March 4 – Dog-Fire
1947 – February 21 – Pig-Fire
1948 – February 10 – Rat-Earth
1949 – February 28 – Ox-Earth
1950 – February 17 – Tiger-Metal
1951 – February 7 – Hare-Metal
1952 – February 26 – Dragon-Water
1953 – February 14 – Snake-Water
1954 – February 4 – Horse-Wood
1955 – February 23 – Sheep-Wood
1956 – February 12 – Monkey-Fire
1957 – March 2 – Bird-Fire
1958 – February 19 – Dog-Earth
1959 – February 8 – Pig-Earth
1960 – February 27 – Rat-Metal
1961 – February 16 – Ox-Metal
1962 – February 5 – Tiger-Water
1963 – February 24 – Hare-Water
1964 – February 14 – Dragon-Wood
1965 – March 4 – Snake-Wood
1966 – February 21 – Horse-Fire
1967 – February 10 – Sheep-Fire
1968 – February 29 – Monkey-Earth
1969 – February 17 – Bird-Earth
1970 – February 7 – Dog-Metal
1971 – February 26 – Pig-Metal
1972 – February 15 – Rat-Water
1973 – March 5 – Ox-Water
1974 – February 23 – Tiger-Wood
1975 – February 12 – Hare-Wood
1976 – March 1 – Dragon-Fire
1977 – February 19 – Snake-Fire
1978 – February 8 – Horse-Earth
1979 – February 27 – Sheep-Earth
1980 – February 17 – Monkey-Metal
1981 – February 5 – Bird-Metal
1982 – February 24 – Dog-Water
1983 – February 13 – Pig-Water
1984 – March 3 – Rat-Wood
1985 – February 20 – Ox-Wood
1986 – February 9 – Tiger-Fire
1987 – February 28 – Hare-Fire
1988 – February 18 – Dragon-Earth
1989 – February 7 – Snake-Earth
1990 – February 26 – Horse-Metal
1991 – February 15 – Sheep-Metal
1992 – March 5 – Monkey-Water
1993 – February 22 – Bird-Water
1994 – February 11 – Dog-Wood
1995 – March 2 – Pig-Wood
1996 – February 19 – Rat-Fire
1997 – February 8 – Ox-Fire
1998 – February 27 – Tiger-Earth
1999 – February 17 – Hare-Earth
2000 – February 6 – Dragon-Metal
2001 – February 24 – Snake-Metal
2002 – February 13 – Horse-Water
2003 – March 3 – Sheep-Water
2004 – February 21 – Monkey-Wood
2005 – February 9 – Bird-Wood
2006 – February 28 – Dog-Fire
2007 – February 18 – Pig-Fire
2008 – February 7 – Rat-Earth
2009 – February 25 – Ox-Earth
2010 – February 14 – Tiger-Metal
2011 – March 5 – Hare-Metal
2012 – February 22 – Dragon-Water
2013 – February 11 – Snake-Water
2014 – March 2 – Horse-Wood
2015 – February 19 – Sheep-Wood
2016 – February 9 – Monkey-Fire
2017 – February 27 – Bird-Fire
2018 – February 16 – Dog-Earth
2019 – February 5 – Pig-Earth
2020 – February 24 – Rat-Metal
2021 – February 12 – Ox-Metal
2022 – March 3 – Tiger-Water
2023 – February 22 – Hare-Water
2024 – February 10 – Dragon-Wood
Forecast for 2025
The year of the Snakebegins on February 28, 2025, and ends on February 17, 2026. Woodis the Element of the year. The year of the Wood Snake is the 39th year in the 60-year cycle of the Tibetan calendar. In Tibetan, this year is called Natsok yik, which translates as "varied wealth".
Wood years have the following standard characteristic:
"Wood gives an animal mobility and vitality, a supple and balanced creative power, and a quality of softness. Wood years are years of transformation."
The year of Wood Snake has the following combination of Elements:
Vitality – Fire,
Body – Fire,
Strength – Wood,
Fortune – Water,
Life-soul – Wood.
A similar combination of Elements was in 1965, 1905, 1845, 1785 … 1065. Those years were years of Wood Snake.
General Recommendations and Tips
Do not worry about the black stones. Everyone has them and the set of stones changes from year to year. Black stones require greater awareness and help people to engage in self-development. If you have black stones in any of the fields, then try to distribute your energy correctly and harmonize your overall condition.
Check the stones of your partners, relatives, and friends. Perhaps their white stones can help compensate for your black stones.
Do not be fooled by a large number of white stones in the forecast for the year. Be vigilant, because white stones, let's say, discourage and incline to laziness. Use the opportunities that open up, but correlate them with the restrictions (black stones) of the year. Remember that the harmony of your internal energies and their coherence with external energies – that’s the key to success and fortune.
Remember to focus on internal changes (in consciousness, in character), not on rituals. Develop a balanced, mature approach to life, use common sense, and everything will be fine. Good luck!
The Hare
NB: look for your Animal and your Element in the Chapter "How to identify your Animal and your Element", find out the meaning of obscure terms in the Chapter "Important preliminary information"
Basic Elements:
– Vitality Element: Wood,
– Fortune Element: Fire,
– Life-soul Element: Water.
Friends (have the same Fortune Element): Sheep and Pig.
Antagonist: Bird.
Successful professions: business person, accountant, lawyer, politician, dancer.
The most favorable day of the week – Thursday.
Main character traits:
– good manners, prudence, kindness, politeness, elegance and gentleness in speech and actions; diplomat abilities;
– values privacy, order, and comfort with a focus on luxury and narcissism, loves social life;
– caution, suspicion;
– cunning and insidious with enemies;
– voluptuous, but unemotional and cagey.
Year: 1975
Vitality Element: Wood. Body Element: Water. Strength Element: Wood. Fortune Element: Fire. Life-soul Element: Water
Wood (Strength Element) gives flexibility, mobility, vitality, and harmonious creative power.
Stones for 2025:
Vitality Element: ○● – one white stone and one black stone
Body Element: ○○ – two white stones
Strength Element: ● – one black stone
Fortune Element: ●● – two black stones
Life-soul Element: ○● – one white stone and one black stone
One white stone and one black stone mean that your natal Element produces the Element for the year. This is a neutral year for your vitality. During the year, there will be small ups and downs, energy will increase and decrease. Consider introducing a controlled energy consumption regime, try to distribute your life force evenly throughout the year.
Two white stones mean that your natal Element controls the Element for the year (suppresses it). According to Tibetan astrologers, two white stones are very good. This year, you have the opportunity to strengthen your „vessel“ and get some margin of safety (if you do not indulge your weaknesses).
One black stone means that your natal Element coincides with the Element for the year. The black stone in the sphere of strength suggests that making money and implementing your projects will not be easy for you. Beware of obvious and secret enemies, the competition will not be fair and harmless. You can compensate for the influence of the black stone through sincere help to others, participation in good deeds, and charity.
Two black stones mean that the Element for the year controls your natal Element. Black stones in the sphere of fortune indicate that your accumulated bad karma will look for ways to manifest itself in your life. Things may happen to you that you will consider undeserved. Do not rush to blame your fate, because, in the end, everyone has to reap the fruits of their past actions sooner or later. Don't count on fortune. Honestly, with restraint, and constructively work through the problems that arise. Develop awareness.
One white stone and one black stone mean that your natal Element produces the Element for the year. This combination of stones is neutral. However, one of the stones is still black, so be vigilant. During the year, you may be visited by fears, doubts, self-distrust, but do not let them master you. Keep your protective field intact.
Year: 1927, 1987
Vitality Element: Wood. Body Element: Fire. Strength Element: Fire. Fortune Element: Fire. Life-soul Element: Water
Fire (Strength Element) gives determination, energy, increases expressiveness, extroversion. But make sure that your increased energy is constructively directed and does not lead to cruelty and intolerance.
Stones for 2025:
Vitality Element: ○● – one white stone and one black stone
Body Element: ● – one black stone
Strength Element: ○○○ – three white stones
Fortune Element: ●● – two black stones
Life-soul Element: ○● – one white stone and one black stone
One white stone and one black stone mean that your natal Element produces the Element for the year. This is a neutral year for your vitality. During the year, there will be small ups and downs, energy will increase and decrease. Consider introducing a controlled energy consumption regime, try to distribute your life force evenly throughout the year.
One black stone means that your natal Element coincides with the Element for the year. Black stone for the body is a danger of diseases and injuries. Therefore watch yourself and be careful. You do not need to rush to the gym, a caring attitude and respect for the body are welcome. Tibetans advise to do a magic trick: change the style of clothing, change the i, hairstyle, hair color, etc., or, for example, come up with a new nickname, alias. By doing this, you can deceive „evil spirits“ who will not be able to find you and damage your health. As with any magic practice, focus on internal changes, be fully aware of the result. But do not overdo it, fit all changes harmoniously into your life.
Three white stones mean that the Element for the year produces your natal Element. Your power, with which you achieve goals and financial prosperity, will increase, getting nourishment from the energy of the year. It will be easier for you to realize your ambitions and talents and earn money. The main thing is not to give in to laziness and not to overdo it. Harmonize your life, measure your efforts with other indicators of your horoscope and use the increased energy for the benefit of not only yourself but also others.
Two black stones mean that the Element for the year controls your natal Element. Black stones in the sphere of fortune indicate that your accumulated bad karma will look for ways to manifest itself in your life. Things may happen to you that you will consider undeserved. Do not rush to blame your fate, because, in the end, everyone has to reap the fruits of their past actions sooner or later. Don't count on fortune. Honestly, with restraint, and constructively work through the problems that arise. Develop awareness.
One white stone and one black stone mean that your natal Element produces the Element for the year. This combination of stones is neutral. However, one of the stones is still black, so be vigilant. During the year, you may be visited by fears, doubts, self-distrust, but do not let them master you. Keep your protective field intact.
Year: 1939, 1999
Vitality Element: Wood. Body Element: Earth. Strength Element: Earth. Fortune Element: Fire. Life-soul Element: Water
Earth (Strength Element) gives stability, regularity, slowness, and a realistic, pragmatic view of things.
Stones for 2025:
Vitality Element: ○● – one white stone and one black stone
Body Element: ○○○ – three white stones
Strength Element: ●● – two black stones
Fortune Element: ●● – two black stones
Life-soul Element: ○● – one white stone and one black stone
One white stone and one black stone mean that your natal Element produces the Element for the year. This is a neutral year for your vitality. During the year, there will be small ups and downs, energy will increase and decrease. Consider introducing a controlled energy consumption regime, try to distribute your life force evenly throughout the year.
Three white stones mean that the Element for the year produces your natal Element. Bodily strength will receive nourishment from the energy of the year. On the one hand, this is, of course, good, but on the other hand, it can contribute to excessive relaxation, indulgence, excessive pleasures, stagnation. Use the increased energy for the benefit of yourself and others.
Two black stones mean that the Element for the year controls your natal Element. Black stones in the sphere of abilities do not favor easy money-making and seamless implementation of your projects. Beware of obvious and secret enemies, the competition will not be fair and harmless. You can compensate for the influence of black stones through sincere help to others, participation in good deeds, and charity. It is good to do spiritual cleansing practices, such as religious ones, and perform protective rituals.
Two black stones mean that the Element for the year controls your natal Element. Black stones in the sphere of fortune indicate that your accumulated bad karma will look for ways to manifest itself in your life. Things may happen to you that you will consider undeserved. Do not rush to blame your fate, because, in the end, everyone has to reap the fruits of their past actions sooner or later. Don't count on fortune. Honestly, with restraint, and constructively work through the problems that arise. Develop awareness.
One white stone and one black stone mean that your natal Element produces the Element for the year. This combination of stones is neutral. However, one of the stones is still black, so be vigilant. During the year, you may be visited by fears, doubts, self-distrust, but do not let them master you. Keep your protective field intact.
Year: 1951, 2011
Vitality Element: Wood. Body Element: Wood. Strength Element: Metal. Fortune Element: Fire. Life-soul Element: Water
Metal (Strength Element) gives rigor, adds clarity and sharpness to your character, but at the same time – fragility. Make sure that the tendency to be straightforward does not develop into authoritarianism.
Stones for 2025:
Vitality Element: ○● – one white stone and one black stone
Body Element: ○● – one white stone and one black stone
Strength Element: ○○ – two white stones
Fortune Element: ●● – two black stones
Life-soul Element: ○● – one white stone and one black stone
One white stone and one black stone mean that your natal Element produces the Element for the year. This is a neutral year for your vitality. During the year, there will be small ups and downs, energy will increase and decrease. Consider introducing a controlled energy consumption regime, try to distribute your life force evenly throughout the year.
One white stone and one black stone mean that your natal Element produces the Element for the year, it’s considered neutral. Health energy will be enough to maintain your normal well-being, but it is better not to subject your body to overloads. The black stone requires sanity and regularity.
Two white stones mean that your natal Element controls the Element for the year (suppresses it). It is very good, you have a lot of strength to achieve your goals. Implement your projects, earn money, you will be able to do a lot. But keep in mind the need to measure your efforts with other indicators of your horoscope and use the increased energy for the benefit of not only yourself but also others.
Two black stones mean that the Element for the year controls your natal Element. Black stones in the sphere of fortune indicate that your accumulated bad karma will look for ways to manifest itself in your life. Things may happen to you that you will consider undeserved. Do not rush to blame your fate, because, in the end, everyone has to reap the fruits of their past actions sooner or later. Don't count on fortune. Honestly, with restraint, and constructively work through the problems that arise. Develop awareness.
One white stone and one black stone mean that your natal Element produces the Element for the year. This combination of stones is neutral. However, one of the stones is still black, so be vigilant. During the year, you may be visited by fears, doubts, self-distrust, but do not let them master you. Keep your protective field intact.
Year: 1963, 2023
Vitality Element: Wood. Body Element: Metal. Strength Element: Water. Fortune Element: Fire. Life-soul Element: Water
Water (Strength Element) gives curiosity, sanity, increases intuition and sensitivity, develops the ability to reflect and communicate. Excessive passivity is possible.
Stones for 2025:
Vitality Element: ○● – one white stone and one black stone
Body Element: ●● – two black stones
Strength Element: ○● – one white stone and one black stone
Fortune Element: ●● – two black stones
Life-soul Element: ○● – one white stone and one black stone
One white stone and one black stone mean that your natal Element produces the Element for the year. This is a neutral year for your vitality. During the year, there will be small ups and downs, energy will increase and decrease. Consider introducing a controlled energy consumption regime, try to distribute your life force evenly throughout the year.
Two black stones mean that the Element for the year controls your natal Element. Black stones for the body – a danger of diseases and injuries. Watch yourself and be careful. You do not need to run to the gym, you need to show prudence and take care of your health. Full sleep, a moderate balanced diet, no overloads, etc. Tibetans also advise to compensate for black stones magically: change the style of clothing, change the i, hairstyle, hair color, etc., or, for example, come up with a new nickname, alias. By doing this, you will be able to cheat the „evil spirits“ that can not get you and damage your health. As with any magic practice, focus on internal changes, be fully aware of the result. But do not overdo it, fit all changes harmoniously into your life.
One white stone and one black stone mean that your natal Element produces the Element for the year. It is considered neutral by Tibetans, and it has both pros and cons. The black stone serves as an incentive for greater awareness. This year, your efficiency will not be as high as you would like. Don't try to move mountains, take a sensible approach.
Two black stones mean that the Element for the year controls your natal Element. Black stones in the sphere of fortune indicate that your accumulated bad karma will look for ways to manifest itself in your life. Things may happen to you that you will consider undeserved. Do not rush to blame your fate, because, in the end, everyone has to reap the fruits of their past actions sooner or later. Don't count on fortune. Honestly, with restraint, and constructively work through the problems that arise. Develop awareness.
One white stone and one black stone mean that your natal Element produces the Element for the year. This combination of stones is neutral. However, one of the stones is still black, so be vigilant. During the year, you may be visited by fears, doubts, self-distrust, but do not let them master you. Keep your protective field intact.
The Dragon
NB: look for your Animal and your Element in the Chapter "How to identify your Animal and your Element", find out the meaning of obscure terms in the Chapter "Important preliminary information"
Basic Elements:
– Vitality Element: Earth,
– Fortune Element: Wood,
– Life-soul Element: Fire.
Friends (have the same Fortune Element): Monkey and Rat.
Antagonist: Dog.
Successful professions: art, religion, politics, pop music.
The most favorable day of the week – Sunday.
Main character traits:
– energetic, enthusiastic, impulsive, successful, sincere, idealistic, generous, pleasant to talk to;
– gifted with "wealth, virtue, harmony, and longevity";
– tends to lead and manipulate people, feels superiority over others and believes in Dragon’s special mission, appreciates success;
– smart, independent in judgments, bold in confrontations, but sometimes reckless; does not admit defeats;
– can be overly demanding of others;
– artistic, open to communication and friendship, hot in the senses, demanding in love.
Year: 1964, 2024
Vitality Element: Earth. Body Element: Fire. Strength Element: Wood. Fortune Element: Wood. Life-soul Element: Fire
Wood (Strength Element) gives flexibility, mobility, vitality, and harmonious creative power.
Stones for 2025:
Vitality Element: ○○○ – three white stones
Body Element: ● – one black stone
Strength Element: ● – one black stone
Fortune Element: ○○○ – three white stones
Life-soul Element: ○○○ – three white stones
Three white stones mean that the Element for the year produces your natal Element. Your vitality will get a significant boost from the energy of the year. Use the energy consciously, try to harmonize your environment. An excess of white stones can contribute to excessive relaxation and stagnation. Use the increased energy for the benefit of yourself and others.
One black stone means that your natal Element coincides with the Element for the year. Black stone for the body is a danger of diseases and injuries. Therefore watch yourself and be careful. You do not need to rush to the gym, a caring attitude and respect for the body are welcome. Tibetans advise to do a magic trick: change the style of clothing, change the i, hairstyle, hair color, etc., or, for example, come up with a new nickname, alias. By doing this, you can deceive „evil spirits“ who will not be able to find you and damage your health. As with any magic practice, focus on internal changes, be fully aware of the result. But do not overdo it, fit all changes harmoniously into your life.
One black stone means that your natal Element coincides with the Element for the year. The black stone in the sphere of strength suggests that making money and implementing your projects will not be easy for you. Beware of obvious and secret enemies, the competition will not be fair and harmless. You can compensate for the influence of the black stone through sincere help to others, participation in good deeds, and charity.
Three white stones mean that the Element for the year produces your natal Element. This year, you will attract situations through which your good karma can manifest. Fortune will be on your side. Use the enhanced nourishment of your fortune to harmonize your life and the lives of your loved ones.
Three white stones mean that the Element for the year produces your natal Element. This year, the force of your life-soul increases significantly, you can use it to establish internal harmony, feel and strengthen the integrity of your body, your personality, your soul. Your will-to-live will increase, use it to organize your life and help your loved ones. Share your happiness with others.
Year: 1976
Vitality Element: Earth. Body Element: Earth. Strength Element: Fire. Fortune Element: Wood. Life-soul Element: Fire
Fire (Strength Element) gives determination, energy, increases expressiveness, extroversion. But make sure that your increased energy is constructively directed and does not lead to cruelty and intolerance.
Stones for 2025:
Vitality Element: ○○○ – three white stones
Body Element: ○○○ – three white stones
Strength Element: ○○○ – three white stones
Fortune Element: ○○○ – three white stones
Life-soul Element: ○○○ – three white stones
Three white stones mean that the Element for the year produces your natal Element. Your vitality will get a significant boost from the energy of the year. Use the energy consciously, try to harmonize your environment. An excess of white stones can contribute to excessive relaxation and stagnation. Use the increased energy for the benefit of yourself and others.
Three white stones mean that the Element for the year produces your natal Element. Bodily strength will receive nourishment from the energy of the year. On the one hand, this is, of course, good, but on the other hand, it can contribute to excessive relaxation, indulgence, excessive pleasures, stagnation. Use the increased energy for the benefit of yourself and others.
Three white stones mean that the Element for the year produces your natal Element. Your power, with which you achieve goals and financial prosperity, will increase, getting nourishment from the energy of the year. It will be easier for you to realize your ambitions and talents and earn money. The main thing is not to give in to laziness and not to overdo it. Harmonize your life, measure your efforts with other indicators of your horoscope and use the increased energy for the benefit of not only yourself but also others.
Three white stones mean that the Element for the year produces your natal Element. This year, you will attract situations through which your good karma can manifest. Fortune will be on your side. Use the enhanced nourishment of your fortune to harmonize your life and the lives of your loved ones.
Three white stones mean that the Element for the year produces your natal Element. This year, the force of your life-soul increases significantly, you can use it to establish internal harmony, feel and strengthen the integrity of your body, your personality, your soul. Your will-to-live will increase, use it to organize your life and help your loved ones. Share your happiness with others.
Year: 1928, 1988
Vitality Element: Earth. Body Element: Wood. Strength Element: Earth. Fortune Element: Wood. Life-soul Element: Fire
Earth (Strength Element) gives stability, regularity, slowness, and a realistic, pragmatic view of things.
Stones for 2025:
Vitality Element: ○○○ – three white stones
Body Element: ○● – one white stone and one black stone
Strength Element: ●● – two black stones
Fortune Element: ○○○ – three white stones
Life-soul Element: ○○○ – three white stones
Three white stones mean that the Element for the year produces your natal Element. Your vitality will get a significant boost from the energy of the year. Use the energy consciously, try to harmonize your environment. An excess of white stones can contribute to excessive relaxation and stagnation. Use the increased energy for the benefit of yourself and others.
One white stone and one black stone mean that your natal Element produces the Element for the year, it’s considered neutral. Health energy will be enough to maintain your normal well-being, but it is better not to subject your body to overloads. The black stone requires sanity and regularity.
Two black stones mean that the Element for the year controls your natal Element. Black stones in the sphere of abilities do not favor easy money-making and seamless implementation of your projects. Beware of obvious and secret enemies, the competition will not be fair and harmless. You can compensate for the influence of black stones through sincere help to others, participation in good deeds, and charity. It is good to do spiritual cleansing practices, such as religious ones, and perform protective rituals.
Three white stones mean that the Element for the year produces your natal Element. This year, you will attract situations through which your good karma can manifest. Fortune will be on your side. Use the enhanced nourishment of your fortune to harmonize your life and the lives of your loved ones.
Three white stones mean that the Element for the year produces your natal Element. This year, the force of your life-soul increases significantly, you can use it to establish internal harmony, feel and strengthen the integrity of your body, your personality, your soul. Your will-to-live will increase, use it to organize your life and help your loved ones. Share your happiness with others.
Year: 1940, 2000
Vitality Element: Earth. Body Element: Metal. Strength Element: Metal. Fortune Element: Wood. Life-soul Element: Fire
Metal (Strength Element) gives rigor, adds clarity and sharpness to your character, but at the same time – fragility. Make sure that the tendency to be straightforward does not develop into authoritarianism.
Stones for 2025:
Vitality Element: ○○○ – three white stones
Body Element: ●● – two black stones
Strength Element: ○○ – two white stones
Fortune Element: ○○○ – three white stones
Life-soul Element: ○○○ – three white stones
Three white stones mean that the Element for the year produces your natal Element. Your vitality will get a significant boost from the energy of the year. Use the energy consciously, try to harmonize your environment. An excess of white stones can contribute to excessive relaxation and stagnation. Use the increased energy for the benefit of yourself and others.
Two black stones mean that the Element for the year controls your natal Element. Black stones for the body – a danger of diseases and injuries. Watch yourself and be careful. You do not need to run to the gym, you need to show prudence and take care of your health. Full sleep, a moderate balanced diet, no overloads, etc. Tibetans also advise to compensate for black stones magically: change the style of clothing, change the i, hairstyle, hair color, etc., or, for example, come up with a new nickname, alias. By doing this, you will be able to cheat the „evil spirits“ that can not get you and damage your health. As with any magic practice, focus on internal changes, be fully aware of the result. But do not overdo it, fit all changes harmoniously into your life.
Two white stones mean that your natal Element controls the Element for the year (suppresses it). It is very good, you have a lot of strength to achieve your goals. Implement your projects, earn money, you will be able to do a lot. But keep in mind the need to measure your efforts with other indicators of your horoscope and use the increased energy for the benefit of not only yourself but also others.
Three white stones mean that the Element for the year produces your natal Element. This year, you will attract situations through which your good karma can manifest. Fortune will be on your side. Use the enhanced nourishment of your fortune to harmonize your life and the lives of your loved ones.
Three white stones mean that the Element for the year produces your natal Element. This year, the force of your life-soul increases significantly, you can use it to establish internal harmony, feel and strengthen the integrity of your body, your personality, your soul. Your will-to-live will increase, use it to organize your life and help your loved ones. Share your happiness with others.
Year: 1952, 2012
Vitality Element: Earth. Body Element: Water. Strength Element: Water. Fortune Element: Wood. Life-soul Element: Fire
Water (Strength Element) gives curiosity, sanity, increases intuition and sensitivity, develops the ability to reflect and communicate. Excessive passivity is possible.
Stones for 2025:
Vitality Element: ○○○ – three white stones
Body Element: ○○ – two white stones
Strength Element: ○● – one white stone and one black stone
Fortune Element: ○○○ – three white stones
Life-soul Element: ○○○ – three white stones
Three white stones mean that the Element for the year produces your natal Element. Your vitality will get a significant boost from the energy of the year. Use the energy consciously, try to harmonize your environment. An excess of white stones can contribute to excessive relaxation and stagnation. Use the increased energy for the benefit of yourself and others.
Two white stones mean that your natal Element controls the Element for the year (suppresses it). According to Tibetan astrologers, two white stones are very good. This year, you have the opportunity to strengthen your „vessel“ and get some margin of safety (if you do not indulge your weaknesses).
One white stone and one black stone mean that your natal Element produces the Element for the year. It is considered neutral by Tibetans, and it has both pros and cons. The black stone serves as an incentive for greater awareness. This year, your efficiency will not be as high as you would like. Don't try to move mountains, take a sensible approach.
Three white stones mean that the Element for the year produces your natal Element. This year, you will attract situations through which your good karma can manifest. Fortune will be on your side. Use the enhanced nourishment of your fortune to harmonize your life and the lives of your loved ones.
Three white stones mean that the Element for the year produces your natal Element. This year, the force of your life-soul increases significantly, you can use it to establish internal harmony, feel and strengthen the integrity of your body, your personality, your soul. Your will-to-live will increase, use it to organize your life and help your loved ones. Share your happiness with others.
The Snake
NB: look for your Animal and your Element in the Chapter "How to identify your Animal and your Element", find out the meaning of obscure terms in the Chapter "Important preliminary information"
Basic Elements:
– Vitality Element: Fire,
– Fortune Element: Water,
– Life-soul Element: Wood.
Friends (have the same Fortune Element): Bird and Ox.
Antagonist: Pig.
Successful professions: teacher, writer, social worker, public relations specialist, psychiatrist, forecaster.
The most favorable day of the week – Tuesday.
Main character traits:
– thinks more than says, a natural thinker; gets along well with others, has a sense of humor, good manners, a strong deep mind; the Snake is independent, can learn quickly;
– ambitious, active, intolerant of losses, for the sake of victory can become insidious, uncompromising, coldly calculating, dishonest;
– sensual, elegant, and sociable, likes to be in society and enjoys a luxurious life;
– touchy, vindictive, unreliable;
– values sensual love, a jealous possessive.
Year: 1965
Vitality Element: Fire. Body Element: Fire. Strength Element: Wood. Fortune Element: Water. Life-soul Element: Wood
Wood (Strength Element) gives flexibility, mobility, vitality, and harmonious creative power.
Stones for 2025:
Vitality Element: ● – one black stone
Body Element: ● – one black stone
Strength Element: ● – one black stone
Fortune Element: ○ – one white stone
Life-soul Element: ● – one black stone
One black stone means that your natal Element coincides with the Element for the year. The black stone in the sphere of vitality brings danger; the energy of life goes „intermittently“. Reasonable caution is important, avoid extreme situations, beware of accidents. An unhurried, even lifestyle is what you need. Tibetans advise compensating for black stones by taking care of the lives of other creatures, giving alms. Hunting and fishing should be completely excluded from your to-do list. What’s good is to save living creatures, for example, to buy a fisherman's catch and release the fish back into the water. Tibetans believe that thus you will prolong and protect your own life. The Tibetans also recite mantras for the long life (you can pick up a similar practice by your religion). Do not forget that all life-affirming rituals, including, for example, giving up fishing, should be done with full awareness of why you are doing it. This is the inner magic work.
One black stone means that your natal Element coincides with the Element for the year. Black stone for the body is a danger of diseases and injuries. Therefore watch yourself and be careful. You do not need to rush to the gym, a caring attitude and respect for the body are welcome. Tibetans advise to do a magic trick: change the style of clothing, change the i, hairstyle, hair color, etc., or, for example, come up with a new nickname, alias. By doing this, you can deceive „evil spirits“ who will not be able to find you and damage your health. As with any magic practice, focus on internal changes, be fully aware of the result. But do not overdo it, fit all changes harmoniously into your life.
One black stone means that your natal Element coincides with the Element for the year. The black stone in the sphere of strength suggests that making money and implementing your projects will not be easy for you. Beware of obvious and secret enemies, the competition will not be fair and harmless. You can compensate for the influence of the black stone through sincere help to others, participation in good deeds, and charity.